Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20-Day-20-Pound Weight Loss Challenge

Tomorrow is September 1, which marks the 20-day countdown to my turning 45. Beginning tomorrow, I will start the SixWeekBody Makeover, and I would love for you to experience it with me. I will do something I HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE. I will post an image, tomorrow, exposing all of my FAT! Each week I will post a new pic showing my progress. My goal is to have lost 20 lbs by September 20, my birthday. I'm excited!

Every day I will blog on my progress, and would love your support! I still can't believe I'm going to post an image of all my fat, but if this is the only way I will drop the weight, then so be it. Right?

Stay tuned...


  1. Hey Jessica ... What is your regiment? I too would, could and need to lose 20lbs. That is, if u don't mind any company. I just can't submit any photos of my fat. Thanks...Dee Dee

  2. Hey Dee Dee:

    Yes, girl, join me! I am using the SixWeek Body Makeover. I'm cutting out all red meats, and only eating turkey, chicken and lots of veggies. No sodas, only water...and all of my food will be prepared on the grill or baked. Also, I'm cutting out the bad carbs--potato chips, junk food--but I'm keeping in carbs like sweet potatoes. I'm going to post, in just a few, what my eating and exercise plan will be. This is going to be so much fun!!
